Pandemics in Recent History

Recent Pandemics

Until recently most people thought that pandemics were ancient history. Now we know this is not true at all. Recent history shows that pandemics can happen any time to any number of people in any location. The reality is that our world is more connected today than ever. We are more susceptible to pandemics now than at any other point in human history.

Other disasters can happen at any time, too, but pandemics are far more likely to impact a large number of people in our world today, as can be seen from the Corona Virus pandemic. Scary as it sounds, the Corona outbreak will probably not be the last pandemic. Let’s have a look at some outbreaks that happened not all that long ago.

1918 Spanish Flu

We are only a little over 100 years removed from one of the worst pandemics in human history. This version of the flu virus originated at a military base in Kansas in the United States. After six months, it was estimated that 40 percent of the world’s population was affected by the Spanish flu. In the United States, nearly 700,000 people died. In a strange twist of events, the age group consisting of 20-50 year old people suffered the biggest losses. Sadly this staggering statistic coincided with the loss of millions of birth mothers worldwide and a large population of children waiting indefinitely to be adopted.

You have to remember that people weren’t travelling by plane in 1918. People in third world countries can now get on a plane and come to the United States within one day. There is no limit to the speed and ease with which a new disease could spread around the world as we have seen with the Corona Virus.

Third Pandemic

It took over 100 years to contain the Third Pandemic. This pandemic, which was fueled by the Bubonic Plague, wreaked havoc in the world from 1855 to 1959. The main area of concentration was the Asian continent, but more than 12 million people died all over the world as a result of the Third Pandemic. The disease was spread by fleas, rats, and people on ocean trading ships.

Our modern travelling capabilities make the spread of big time diseases easier than ever as we have recently seen. Make sure you include emergency food for every member of your family when you create your emergency preparedness kit. You can ensure the safety of everyone during the occurrence of one of these massive pandemics. We may not be able to prevent pandemics from happening, but we can increase our chances of staying healthy by preparing kits to use for our needs.

Cholera Outbreaks

In the 19th century, a series of cholera outbreaks caused the deaths of tens of millions of people worldwide. Cholera hasn’t been completely contained in the world today. Nearly 150,000 people each year die from cholera exposure. It hasn’t made a global impact recently, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible for that to happen.

If a cholera outbreak ever happened on a worldwide scale, you would need to take quick action to stay safe. It’s best to avoid contact with other people as much as possible if a large outbreak occurs. You’ll stand a greater chance of maintaining your healthy status if you can stay isolated from the other people in your community. That’s why it’s always good to have a supply of food and clean drinking water that can last for up to a year.

Other Precautions

You should always practice good hygiene to stay clean and safe from germs. Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap every time you use the bathroom or touch food. Be sure to wash your hands for at least three minutes each time. You want to be sure you have killed the germs that could cause harm to you and those around you.

During the Corona pandemic and if a future outbreak occurs, you will want to avoid the areas where germs are present the most. If you experience symptoms, then obviously you will need medical attention. But staying away from hospitals is a good idea. These places tend to collect more germs, since patients who need help arrive in droves. If you can eliminate much of your contact with the outside world during an outbreak, you can keep your health intact with your other precautions.

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